Ein Kind streichelt einen Hund.

How we think about animals and how we treat them depends to a large extent on our imprinting. Scientific research has also shown a link between violence against animals and violence against fellow human beings.

Compassion, respect, and empathy are indispensable values and prerequisites for peaceful and respectful coexistence. This is exactly why we start where the future lies – with children. Children have an intrinsic curiosity and connection to animals. Our goal is to build on this bond, to teach them about the needs and characteristics of animals, and thus to achieve a sustainable respectful treatment of all animals.

For this we have entered a cooperation with the Panhellenic Animal Welfare and Environmental Federation and Jon Garstang. Mostly accompanied by a trained, safe dog, we visit school classes, talk about dogs and other animals. In addition, the children learn how to better assess the behaviour of dogs and thus how to deal with them more safely.

Every single child that is touched in the heart is part of the vision of a future in which animals are seen as fellow creatures and humans respect their right to life and freedom.

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