
With your donation, you help us to continue our animal welfare projects, so that we can keep helping the animals on the island of Kos.
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Monthly donation

Monthly donations give us financial security, guaranteeing us an income also outside the tourist season.
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Sponsorship for an animal

By sponsoring one of our permanent protégées, you not only support your godanimal, but also help to keep our animal shelter up and running.
Sponsor now

Become a member

As a member, you are part of our association and support us with an annual contribution - and if you wish, you can also help us to organise events.
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Leave a legacy

Your gift is vital to continuing our care objectives of education, sensitisation, law implementation, sterilisations, and animal rescue.
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Our wish list

You want to support us but don't know how? Then choose a product from our list and donate it to us.
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Our supporters

These organisations support GASAH and our main objectives: Education, sensitation, law implementation, sterilisations and animal rescue.
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