Our annual report 2023

Our organisation

GASAH is a licensed and registered animal charity on the Greek island of Kos. We are committed to the animals of Kos where our hands-on charity work is carried out. Here we are active in various areas. Our focus areas are homeless animals, tethered “farm” animals, law enforcement and raising awareness among the population. Switzerland is where most of our fundraising events and administrative work is done. Our helpers on Kos and in Switzerland, as well as the website and social network maintainer, help us on a voluntary basis.

Our strategy

Our approach is based on two pillars: sustainable change and emergency aid for animals in need. Our work is led by competent people qualified in their area of responsibility.

We want to change the situation for the animals in the long term. Through sterilisation projects we prevent future suffering. Our educational projects work towards a new human-animal relationship. We know the applicable legal regulations and regularly demand their enforcement from the relevant authorities. Respectful and professional cooperation with the authorities is of great concern to us. Homeless animals often need the help of humans. We take care of sick or injured animals and provide them temporary care and shelter.

Our guiding principles

Compassion and solidarity with animals is the basis of our work. For us, it is natural to give a voice to the voiceless and to stand up for their rights. Equally important to us are human rights and respectful coexistence.

Our vision is a world in which the rights and needs of animals are respected and they are allowed to live a free, self-determined life.

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