Bank Transfer

GASAH – Greek And Swiss Animal Help
CH-8105 Regensdorf

Postal cheque account (EUR):
91-951933-9 EUR
IBAN CH63 0900 0000 9195 1933 9

Postal cheque account (CHF):
IBAN CH90 0900 0000 8546 2187 6

or if you wish to receive a payment slip, please send us an e-mail to

Why support us?

Many animals on this island need our help. And we only can help them if you help us fund this costly, essential work. Without your financial support, we wouldn’t manage to help these poor creatures. See for yourself why we devote all our energy, time and donations to these animals every day.


Thanasis could no longer stand due to a concussion. After a few weeks of intensive care at Stepping Stone, we were able to release him again.


According to rumors, Zanari had a deceased owner and used to be chained, but had freed herself on the street. She was seriously ill and severely malnourished. Surrounded by love, she was released from her pain.


Lennox was found in a filthy water hole. He was unable to stand up. With local help GASAH rescued him but he could not be saved. THIS MUST STOP!


Angel was found literally starving to death. GASAH rescued him and he now is safe and sound.


Little Lilliput was unable to fly. After a few weeks of intensive care at Stepping Stone, we were able to let her fly into the skies.


Aslan came to us as an emergency case with his leg broken. We had to amputate his leg. Today he is our faithful companion at our animal shelter Stepping Stone.


Spirit was wandering the streets completely blind. He scratched his face bloody from all the ticks and mites. No one cared for him until we brought him to Stepping Stone and took care of him.


GASAH finds many small helpless souls like Kitty. We bring them to the vets for emergency surgery and sterilisation. After that they come with us to Stepping Stone for post OP care.


Nerina was found with a huge tumor. The tumor was operated and Nerina found a new home with a loving family. Unfortunately, she had to be euthanized soon after because the tumor had spread. But Nerina could spend her last days with lots of love and affection.
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