Would you like to become an animal godparent or give an animal godparenthood as a gift?

By sponsoring one of our permanent protégés, you not only support your godanimal, but also help to keep our animal shelter up and running. Our protégés all came to us for different reason. What they all have in common, however, is that they are allowed to live a happy, free life with us until the end of their lives. Where nothing is demanded of them, but they are simply allowed to be.

What do you get in return?

You will get a digital certificate and the nice feeling of doing a good deed every month. 😉
Of course, you can also visit our protégées when you are on Kos.

Sponsorship payments are used in the spirit of the association to ensure the permanent upkeep of all animals at Stepping Stone (i.e. we do not keep animal-specific accounts). Our association is tax exempt. Thus, donations can be deducted from the tax.


Please fill in the form of the respective godparent animal. A reply with the payment details will be sent by e-mail. After receipt of the first transfer, you will receive the certificate (by e-mail).

Our permanent protégés


Aslan came to us as an emergency case with his leg broken. We had to amputate his leg. Today he is our faithful companion at Stepping Stone Animal Shelter.


As Steppi needs special food due to a liver problem, she now lives with us and always brightens up the day of all the helpers at Stepping Stone Animal Shelter.


Josie came to us because her former owners left the island and moved away. We bought a piece of land below our animal shelter to give her enough space to live with us.


Ella is Josie's mother. She also came to us because her former owners left the island and moved away. Both are now enjoying their life on the additionally purchased piece of land.


Daisy also belonged to the owners who left the island. Therefore, she came to us at Animal Shelter Stepping Stone together with Ella and Josie.


Clio was handed over to a veterinarian as a baby chick. Someone found her all alone. We took her in and now she is part of our chicken family.


Eutherpe and her siblings were handed over to a veterinarian. They were not wanted, so we took them in without hesitation.


Urania and her siblings were handed over to a veterinarian. They were not wanted, so we took them in without hesitation.

Our temporary protégés


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